
Piquillo Peppers Information

Piquillo peppers are zero heat specialty small red peppers, hand harvested by artisanal farmers in the Navarre region of northern Spain. The peppers, also known as Piquillo de Lodosa, Pimiento del Piquillo or little beak, speaking of the lightly curved tip, are bright red when ripe, very flavorful with a touch of spicy sweetness. Indigenous to Spain and long a part of Spanish cuisine, Piquillo peppers are now jarred whole for far flung destinations such as the United States, straight out of their home town of Lodosa and surrounding areas.


Jimmy Nardello Peppers

Jimmy Nardello peppers are an Italian open-pollinated heirloom sweet pepper variety introduced to the United States in 1887. The peppers are a sweet frying type with Scoville Heat Units of 0. Jimmy Peppers are thin-walled, have a curved shape with a tapering end and mature with a fire-engine red color. Other common Jimmy Nardello pepper names are Nardello Sweet, Jimmy Peppers, Jimmy Nardello Sweet Peppers and Jimmy Nardello’s Sweet Italian Frying.


Sweety Drop Peppers Information

Sweety Drop peppers are a very small heirloom pepper type originating in Peru, South America. They characteristically resemble teardrops in shape. The peppers have a flavor profile characterized by sweet and tangy taste with a hint of spice. They are mostly known and sought-after for their sugar-like sweetness. 


Cherry Peppers Information

Cherry peppers refers to a collection of types of peppers, spherical or round shaped resembling cherry fruits albeit bigger in size. Cherry peppers measure about 1.6 inches in diameter, starting off green and shifting to bright red when ripe. They generally range in heat on the Scoville scale from mild to medium hot. The peppers are fairly easy to grow and are popular among home gardeners.


Cascabella Peppers Information

Cascabella peppers are 2 inch long tapered and conical shaped wax-type heirloom hot peppers which are often eaten fresh or pickled. They range between 1500 to 4000 units on the Scoville heat scale. Whilst they turn red when ripe, they are mostly consumed cream-yellow before turning cherry-red or bright red. Cascabella peppers are a high yielding, type of Hungarian Hot Wax pepper, easy to grow and popular with home gardeners.


Lamb’s Lettuce Information

Lamb’s lettuce is a nutritious heirloom dark green weedy plant known to grow wild in North America and Europe. Nowadays it is easily cultivated from seed. This leafy green vegetable is also recognized by its other names mâche, vineyard lettuce, corn salad, common corn salad, fetticus, feldsalat, nut lettuce or field salad. It is a low maintenance plant that is easy to grow in the home garden.


Red Sails Information

Red sails lettuce is an attractive looking heirloom open-pollinated loose leaf lettuce variety characterized by dark-red crinkled leaves with green sections. It is an All America Selections (AAS) winner from 1985 which is slow to wilt and slow to bolt. This cut-and-come-again variety is easy to grow in the home garden and can also be cultivated in pots and containers.


Red Lettuce Information

Red lettuce also known as red leaf lettuce is a functional vegetable of botanic name Lactuca sativa and a member of the Asteraceae family. The name red lettuce represents a collection of a variety of red to dark red loose leaf lettuces with frill looking broad curly leaves. Red lettuce is easy to grow and is used in salad mixes and mostly consumed raw.


Baby Lettuce Information

Baby lettuce refers to a range of lettuce cultivars that are harvested for use as specialty produce before reaching full maturity. This type of lettuce can also be produced by reducing spacing between plants. Baby lettuces are typically small in size, and when harvested early, are tender and in some cases lighter than the fully grown lettuces. Baby lettuces can be derived from romaine lettuce, leaf lettuce, butterhead and crisphead lettuce varieties.


Red Carrot Information

Red carrot is a root vegetable variety containing lycopene, a red colored pigment naturally occurring in plants. It is a legitimate member of the carrot family whose cousins are orange, yellow and purple/black carrots. Red carrot is scientifically qualified as a functional food due to its protection potential against certain chronic diseases due to lycopene. Red carrot is easy to cultivate in the home garden.