
Can Dogs Eat Cabbage? (Video)

Can my dogs eat cabbage is probably one of the most asked questions by home gardeners who are also new pet owners. It turns out the short answer is yes (see video below) but with some admonition.

In other words, while cabbage is not bad for dogs to eat, everything must be done in moderation. 

If you have been growing cabbage or plan to start doing so regardless of cabbage type, the good news is you are not going to be the only one enjoying this wonderful veggie with all its health benefits. 

Your dog or dogs can also equally enjoy the cabbage that you grow as part of its diet in raw form or in a cooked state. 

Since I mentioned that there is a catch that accompanies your dog eating some cabbage, I like to paint the details by answering some few commonly asked questions…

1. Can dogs eat raw cabbages?

Yes, dogs can eat and enjoy raw cabbages. Raw cabbage is safe for dogs to eat. Dogs may also eat cooked cabbage which tends to be the best recommended. Unlike humans, when you cook cabbage for dogs, do not include spices. Plain, boiled or steamed cabbage will do just fine for man’s best friend. You could even air dry the cabbage before feeding your dog. Furthermore, some experts recommend introducing cabbage in small bits at a time in the diet of your canine. This can be done alongside or mixed together with the dog’s regular meals.

2. Which cabbage types can dogs eat?

As home gardeners we like to try a variety of cabbages and there are many. The question then becomes, can our dogs eat these too? It is like an open check. Dogs can eat almost all cabbage varieties. These include green, red, white and purple cabbage varieties. Just take note of the preparation methods stated in #1 above and you are good to go.

3. What are cabbage health benefits for dogs?

The story begins with the fact that cabbage is loaded with vitamins K, C, B6, B1. Then you have the fiber. Fiber found in cabbage is good for your dog’s digestive system. The fiber promotes the presence of good bacteria in the digestive system. Red cabbage is well known for having cancer fighting and prevention characteristics. Phytonutrients which are antioxidant compounds found in cabbage play this important role.

4. What happens if a dog eats too much cabbage?

Just like humans, dogs are not immune to the effects of overeating anything including cabbage. The most obvious and certain effects of your dog eating too much cabbage is excessive gas, flatulence and a generally upset stomach. You can easily pick the symptoms in your dog if the dog shows signs of abdominal discomfort, swelling of stomach and an unusually offensive odor among other things.

5. What serious problems does eating cabbage cause in dogs?

As mentioned earlier, when eaten in moderation, cabbage is good for dogs. However, some reports have shown that cabbage has potential to cause significant problems in canines. A natural compound called thiocyanate that is found in cabbage is known to trigger hypothyroidism in dogs. Hypothyroidism also known as underactive thyroid occurs in humans as well. It occurs when the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones to support important body functions such as metabolism. This results, among other symptoms, in low energy levels and general weakness. Dogs that eat too much raw cabbage may end up with this problem.

6. How much cabbage can a dog eat?

Left to its devices, a dog that falls in love with cabbage can eat to its heart’s content which is detrimental to its health as explained earlier. The video below shows just to what extent man’s best friend can go with cabbages!

Since you have to intervene to stop scenes shown in this video, a general guideline is that a dog should eat an eighth of a cup for every 20 pounds (9 kgs) they weigh.

7. Can dogs eat coleslaw?

While we humans may love coleslaw and we happen to be best friends with dogs, our dogs may want to follow suit when they see us enjoying some slaw. While dogs could eat coleslaw considering the primary ingredient is cabbage, this is highly discouraged. Coleslaw salad is made using mayo and other ingredients such as vinegars and dressings not meant for dog consumption. This can so easily result in the dog falling sick. Don’t do it.

Conclusion – Can dogs eat cabbage? A big YES.

Clearly, from the explanations given above, dogs can eat cabbage that’s for sure. What is important, however, is to be aware that this must be done in moderation. Cabbage is better served cooked and plain vs raw cabbage. 

May man’s best friend keep you company as you continue on your home gardening journey