
Green Leaf Lettuce Information

Green leaf lettuce or leaf lettuce (crispa) is an omnibus name for a handful of loose leaf gourmet lettuce varieties which are members of the Asteraceae family. Leaf lettuce is a vegetable which grows upright in an elongated manner and does not form a head or bulb. It emanates from a single stock and has a wide curly loose top characterized by attractive generally bright green leaves. Some leaf lettuces are cut-and-come-again varieties.


Why Do Tomatoes Split

Tomatoes split due to a variety of factors which include irregular watering, high temperatures, high exposure to light, cultivar, rapid growth and humidity. Tomatoes have a tendency to split in an episodic manner and due to more than one of the stated factors. Preventing tomatoes from splitting is challenging. However, tomato cracking can be controlled by adopting certain effective farming practices.


Purple Tomatoes Information

Purple tomatoes are health enriching tomatoes developed through breeding or genetic engineering. They have a high level of anthocyanins, a pigment that brings about deep color in fruits and vegetables. There are true purple tomatoes and so-called purple tomatoes. So-called purple tomatoes have traces of green due to the green flesh gene which prevents chlorophyll breakdown.


How to Grow Tomatoes

Tomatoes are grown in nutrient rich loam or sandy loam soils under warm weather. However, other soil types will support moderate growth of tomatoes. Grown from seed or through asexual propagation, tomatoes are ready for harvest in 80 days or 8 to 9 weeks. Tomato plants require even watering and at least 6 hours of full sun daily to do well.


Epsom Salt for Tomatoes Information

Epsom Salt used on tomatoes is a water soluble chemical compound consisting of magnesium, sulfur, and oxygen. Where deficiency exists, it improves fruit production and general health of tomato plants. MgSO4 is applied on tomatoes as granules in the soil or as a liquid solution directly on the leaves. The liquid solution can also be administered in the soil around the plant. 


Indeterminate Tomatoes Information

Indeterminate tomatoes are tomato varieties that grow non-stop. They continue fruiting and growing in length throughout the season. Each harvest is followed by another round of fruiting. Fruit production is only terminated by the onset of frost or the effect of disease or pests on the plant. Indeterminate tomatoes are also known as vining tomatoes.


Yellow Tomatoes Information

Yellow tomatoes are indeterminate large globe shaped tomatoes of genus nightshade. This tomato is counterpart to regular and better known red tomato varieties. Yellow tomatoes are slicer tomatoes with low acidity and a sweet taste. When planted, they take 72 to 80 days to harvest.


Sungold Tomato Information

Sungold tomato is a golden orange, extremely sweet cherry tomato hybrid that is harvested in 57 days. It is an early season highly productive indeterminate tomato variety. Sungold tomato is harvested at least twice a week throughout the summer, once fruit emerges.


Early Girl Tomato Information

The Early Girl is an early fruiting, warm-season, high yielding and popular tomato variety. It is a hybrid indeterminate tomato which matures within 50 to 60 days after transplanting.


Growing Green Onions in Containers

Growing green onions in containers is easy. Needed is a good size container with some depth to allow the onion roots to freely grow.  Also needed is some nutrient rich soil as a growing medium. Finally, a bunch of green onions themselves will be required for plant propagation.